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This set of six coasters can be arranged to form a tiled trivet, a playful puzzle and decorative item. The illusion of 3D through color and geometry allows for endless permutations, encouraging playful mosaic building on your table.


Set of 6
MDF, wood, paint
3.5" x 3.25" x 0.25" | 8.9cm x 8.3cm x 0.6cm


Optic Table Tile Coasters

Regular price ¥145.00
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This set of six coasters can be arranged to form a tiled trivet, a playful puzzle and decorative item. The illusion of 3D through color and geometry allows for endless permutations, encouraging playful mosaic building on your table.


Set of 6
MDF, wood, paint
3.5" x 3.25" x 0.25" | 8.9cm x 8.3cm x 0.6cm